Jazz House Concerts

Your guide to finding, presenting, or playing house concerts

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Support the Jazz Near You House Concert Project

Jazz Near You alerts jazz concert goers to who's playing where and when in over 300 cities worldwide. We also freely distribute event information for musicians, venues, presenters, promoters, and festivals.

With the House Concert Project, we're generating greater turnouts for home concert presenters and creating more performance opportunities for jazz musicians. We'll also offer guidance to anyone with an interest in hosting a home concert: from preparation to finding & booking a band.

A major undertaking, requiring years to develop, All About Jazz has built a platform that acts as a catalyst for all aspects of home concert presentation. That means facilitating memorable home concert events while helping jazz musicians secure more gigs.

If you've attended a house concert, hosted a house concert, or performed at a house concert, please make a donation to the maintenance and expansion of this one-of-a-kind service.

Thank you!
Michael Ricci, Jazz Near You Founder


From the order page, select the donation amount, then check out. We accept credit cards, PayPal and checks.